Guy Tremblay

 Fine Art Photography

Workshops and Conferences


Rediscovering nature through photography

Photo nature

What if photography became a pretext or a technique to rediscover nature? This workshop will allow you to see nature photography from a new angle. Discover the advantage of having a camera with you during your walks in nature. Nature offers endless possibilities for images. Participants will be introduced to a new way of exploring nature and thus appreciate it even more. Bring your camera for a practical exercise. 

Where and when :

New date and place to be confirmed


2e collaboration avec Marc Séguin © Guy Tremblay

When photographic art becomes committed

This conference will address committed photography through different works. The speaker, photographer emeritus, will present several of his committed photographic series by revealing its intentions and motivations as well as their impact on the community.

Where and when:

Club Photo de Magog
Tuesday 15 october 2024

Club Horizon Photo Victoriaville
Wednesday February 12 2025




Good visual documentation must always accompany your tools promotion (Portfolio, website, catalogue ...) or your requests in the part of a file call. This training will allow artists visual arts and craft to document their work well, that either paintings or objects. The quality of your images is paramount and it is necessary to devote special attention to ensure that your works are appreciated.

Place and date : To be confirmed


Guy Tremblay is a professional artist working in photography. Known for the quality of his prints, he has an extensive technical expertise. Still photographer and darkroom expert, he masters the film as well as digital technology. He gave several workshops addressing photographic technique as much as artistic vision.

Guy Tremblay